The privacy protection system of the website of BIONNA(BEIJING) MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD(hereinafter referred to as “BIONNA Medicine”) is based on:
1. Privacy is your important right. Your personaldata provided to us is based on trust in the website of BIONNA Medicine. Unlessin order to comply with the law, or obtain your consent, or at your personalrequest, or protect us from illegal activities, fraud or any act endangeringpublic safety, the personal data you provide to the website of BIONNA Medicinewill not be disclosed to unrelated third parties (including companies orindividuals).
2. The information you provide will only be used tohelp us provide you with better services.The personal data confidentialitysystem on the website of BIONNA Medicine is summarized as follows:
*What kind of personal data do we collect
If you visit the website of BIONNA Medicine, we donot require personal information. Some websites of BIONNA Medicine need toregister to participate, such as information feedback, job application, etc. inthese places, we will ask you to provide relevant information, which will helpus provide you with better services. Under normal circumstances, suchregistration only requires you to provide some personal identification data(including but not limited to): such as name, gender, age, company name, telephone, mailing address,residential address, e-mail address and other basic information. Thisparticipation is completely voluntary. You canindependently control the personal information provided to BIONNA Medicinethrough the Internet.
*We will take all steps to protect your privacy
personal information
Whenever you provide us with sensitive information,we will take steps to protect your sensitive information, and we will also takesecurity measures to protect the stored personal data. To prevent your personaldata from being lost, stolen or tampered with. Unless in accordance with thelaw or the mandatory provisions of the government, we will not provide any ofyour personal data to unrelated third parties (including companies orindividuals) without your written permission. However, if you require us toprovide specific customer support services or deliver some items to you, weneed to provide your name and address to the relevant third party, such as thetransportation company.
recruitment information
The personalinformation you provided about recruitment is only for recruitment and futureinternal reference, and can only be seen by the person in charge of recruitmentof BIONNA Medicine
*How we use your information
We may use your personal information whencontacting you (including but not limited to email or SMS); For example, weinform you of the application information involved in the recruitmentinterview; We respond to your needs for technical support or informationfeedback.
*Implementation of privacy protection system
1. If the website of BIONNA Medicine needs toidentify you or contact you, it will explicitly ask for the required personaldata. At the same time, the website of 【BIONNA (BEIJING) MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD】 will explain the purpose of these materials(declared purpose).
2. The website of BIONNA Medicine may disclosepersonal data due to legal requirements, or believe in good faith that such apractice is necessary for the following:
1) Comply with legal notices or comply with legalprocedures applicable to the website of BIONNA Medicine;
2) Protect the rights or property of users of thewebsite of BIONNA Medicine;
3) In case of emergency, in order to protect thepersonal or public safety of the website of BIONNA Medicine and its users.
3. At any time, if you believe that the website of BIONNAMedicine does not comply with these principles, please notify us by email[], and we will make every effort to immediately improve thisproblem to a reasonable and appropriate extent.
*Update the personal data you have provided to thewebsite of BIONNA Medicine
If your address, telephone number, e-mail addressor other personal data change, you can modify your personal data management inthe website of BIONNA Medicine to help us maintain the accuracy of your data.
We are committed to protecting your personal data.We will update our information confidentiality system at any time. Allamendments will be published on this site.